Friday, August 30, 2013

My Summer Survival Guide For 2013

My Summer Survival Guide For 2013:

1.) K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Stupid) -- I learned this acronym in college; and I realized how important and so true it is just this past summer!  You don't have to make "mommyhood" complicated.  Keep it simple!  Like simple packed lunches for example!

2.) Nobody is handing out prizes to the moms who go ALL OUT with things and efforts for their kiddos!  PLEASE DON'T RAISE YOUR BAR SO HIGH!

3.) It is A-OKAY to sway from nap schedules periodically!

4.) When your house feels small, and the four walls feel like they are closing in all around you, take your kiddos to the pool, park, etc. while also enforcing nap and rest schedules even when your older kiddos insist that they do not need such moments.  You insist that they do, so that everyone can enjoy some peace and quiet, especially the mama!  If you still feel as though you need an escape, but your husband is still at work, go ahead and take a slow walk to the mail box and sit on your front stoop for a bit, even if some of those times you hava your cute adorable infant on your hip!

5.) Take a moment to take a deep breath!

6.) Sometimes its okay to walk away from a fight; however, every once in a while it is okay to defend yourself and your honor from an unfounded accusation!  HOWEVER, when possible, make light of the situation!  (Like purchase a t-shirt that makes you laugh about it too!  And really... truly... this comes from a place of humor and silliness y'all!)

7.) And when you feel that you are about to blow your top in regards to certain situations and/or the behavior of certain individuals (even as cute as they may be), go ahead and start singing "I'm A Little Teapot" to try to defuse the situation!  Your kiddos will love you for it especially when you throw in the hand motions too!

8.) Don't feel guilty about how many mommy breaks (aka bubble bath times) you take.  In the end, the kids will thank you for them, and may be your husband too!

9.) Watch as little news as possible!

10.) Whenever possible, say "thank you" even if it is over and over and over again! ;-)

11.) The beach is fun!  However, breastfeeding your one adorable, but very sandy baby, while on the beach, not so enjoyable.  Take my word for it!  Felt like two hot and sweaty pieces of sandpaper!

12.) There are jellyfish out there that do not sting.

13.) Don't eat buttery, greasy seafood! (Got me again!)  But an occasional night cap at the beach is totally awesome!

14.) And really, truly... with all silliness aside have a thankful heart...



  1. I SOOO coulda told you #9, lol

    ~That Bratty Lil Sis

  2. I detest the news and how negative it is and the awful images it shows! News = BAD!!
