Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Speech and Some Iron (Update)

Several weeks ago, I wrote how Little Man was going to have speech therapy to address some problem areas.  After going to four separate schools for various reasons and assessments, Little Man started his speech therapy just last week. 

During the several week process of getting him assessed and such, his speech actually improved some.  However, he still has some things to be addressed.  Also, we have one area of concern too.  With in the last few weeks, it seems that Little Man has become aware, and perhaps, discouraged about his speech, and repeating himself frequently when asked as others are unsure as to what he is trying to say sometimes.  He has started to state when people ask him to repeat himself, "Um never mind."  Little Man sometimes will even cover his mouth up afterwards, which breaks our hearts.  He is starting to show some signs of his speech affecting him socially, so we are very grateful to get this underway! He will be meeting with the speech therapist 30 minutes every Friday.

As far as Big Mac goes, his blood work yesterday showed that he is still anemic, and therefore, our pediatrician has ordered a more thorough blood work up.  Tomorrow morning, I will be taking him at 9:30 AM for labs.  There are about three possibilities for which two of them have simple approaches and explanations, with a third possibility being a bit more extensive.  It will take about two days or so to get the results.  I will inform you all of what the results show, and our course of action if any.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


I am going to make this post very short and simple.  I have a tendency to be wordy, but I simply will not be this time.

Be careful with what filters one chooses to use when looking at another person...

And be careful with what one chooses to use as the primary source(s) when casting judgment of another person...  Sometimes one's perception of another may be wrong...

Because there is almost always a much larger picture to be seen...

And just because one person may go slightly against the masses, doesn't necessarily make one wrong, incorrect, a threat, or on the attack.  After all, someone realized that against popular belief the world was in fact round...