1. Surviving a 5.8 Earthquake
- Hang on for the ride because there is not much else to do besides heading for a door frame or hustling your booty outside of the building!
2. Surviving Beach Vacation
- May be try to avoid planning your beach vacation for any part of hurricane season all together.
- Make sure that your swimsuit is kid friendly even if it is a sexy little tankini!
3. Surviving a Hurricane
- Go ahead and risk doing your vacation laundry in the beginning stages of a hurricane even when the lights are blinking on and off, because a few days later you will have a butt load of laundry to do!
- Go ahead and let your ice maker work over time so that you can produce as much ice as possible when there is inclement weather in the event you should lose power, so that you may be able to save more food than otherwise, esp. when bags of ice are difficult to obtain soon after a huge storm.
- Please always constantly remind yourself that you do not have power. Do not accidentally forget and throw food scraps down the garbage disposal. Repeat not a good idea. It's no fun having to reach in and pull all scraps out so that the sink is able to drain properly!
- When taking your second or third cold bath/shower during a power outage, it may not be a good idea to think of a nice warm beach paradise if said storm cut your beach trip in half! Not good timing to have that realization.
- Make sure that when you finally decide to get rid of your ugly star shaped candle holder wedding gifts, you replace them ASAP as discovering you do not have any candle holders in a power outage may be slightly frustrating. However, improvising can help. For example, a bottle of Raspberry Burst Smirnoff bottle (contents for which drunk promptly), a can of refried beans and a clorox bleach wipe container cut in half and filled with sand and rocks from your children's sand box will do the trick just fine!

(Please take note that camera produced this much light in an otherwise dark room.)
- You can cook about anything on a charcoal grill!
(Who needs a restaurant or a propane grill!)
- Don't waste time washing dishes by candlelight. You will only have to re-wash your dishes by hand the next morning when you realized that you missed many spots.
- Better yet, forget all about all the "tree-hugging" environmental crap during a power outage. Go into "mama survival mode" and use paper products--much much easier!
- And in the event that you loose almost all the food and contents in your fridge before bags of ice are found, go ahead and make the best of the situation and clean your fridge from top to bottom. Make it all kinds of squeaky clean!
- Don't be afraid to pull up your sleeves and scrub some laundry by hand!
4. Lastly
- During the hurricane, as I watched the trees swaying in the wind, I was amazed at how the majority of the trees were able to withstand the pressure to topple right on over. I was struck by the strength of their root systems. They not only help provide water and nourishment to the tree, but they also help the tree stay up firmly. I was quickly reminded of how important it is to get "rooted" in the Lord.
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