I begin with saying that I do not think that I need to keep re-hashing the facts and reasons as to why I get edgy with coughs and fevers now as well as why snow and I are still not exactly best buds. By now, most of you either know me, or have read my blog long enough, to understand the reasons for which I have the above stated opinions; and therefore, simply stating them should be enough.
While snow and I were reunited at Christmas and our visit turned out to be a pleasant one, I wouldn't exactly say that we are back at BFF status. We have a bit further to go in our relationship. Well, I guess God expected that I am like any other human being on the face of this planet, who sadly reverts back to his/hers old habits and/or thought processes. He was prepared. Yesterday afternoon as Skye was climbing into the minivan after school, Skye's Principal, Ms. Olsen, remarked how she just got the kids back from Christmas vacation and she wasn't ready to give them back yet. She informed me that some snow was in the forecast. I responded by telling her that I did not know that snow was in the forecast and that I agreed with her that the 'white stuff' could stay away. As I pulled away, I began to express to the kids that I hoped it did not snow again and that I had my fill of it already this year. As I went on a voice came from the back, "Well, Mom, you can't stop it from coming." Skye stopped me in my tracks. I felt like I was a complaining child and she was the parent. She was right. Why spend my time complaining and worrying about it because if it is to happen it will happen; and no one except for God can change the weather. Immediately, I thought to myself "Out of the mouths of babes."
This afternoon, while I was upstairs breastfeeding Ian, I heard some coughing. Right away I was on alert. Who was that? Was it Skye? Was she coming down with something? Or was it Paisley who shouldn't be coughing because she is on antibiotics for a sinus infection. But then again, Skye was on antibiotics when she continued to get worse with pneumonia. As thoughts started to swirl in my mind, I proceeded to shout down to the girls who were busy quietly playing, "Did someone just cough?"
"Yes?" Skye responded.
"Me." Paisley said, but then she kept going before I could say anything else, "But I'm okay mom."
That struck me for two reasons. First, I believe God was using her--"Out of the mouths of babes." Secondly, I probably have made such a big deal out of worrying about coughs lately with all the chest infections we have had, that she was tired of it and it has made an impression on her. Regardless, I still believe that God was using her and "Out of the mouths of babes."
I am sure Ian probably had something profound to tell me too, but it was encrypted in his new baby talk and baby phrase "Dada dada dad da da dada daddy."
Not sure why I have had such a hard time with the spacing tonight.