Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ian's Renal Scan Tomorrow

Little Man, or Bubba Boo, as I am now finding myself calling cute Ian, is having his 2nd renal scan performed tomorrow starting at about 2:30 PM, although we have to be at Outpatient Services tomorrow at 2 PM.

After experiencing one heck of an aggravating phone call with the hospital today, I am finding myself a bit anxious now, but I am just going to have to keep giving it to the Lord.

Although this will be Ian's second MAG 3 Renal Scan with Lasix Washout with catheter, and even though I ached watching my son get cathed and pricked for IVs last time, because I have gotten to know my son even more with in the past few months, I am currently finding myself dreading putting him through the procedures and watching him go through it worse than the previous time, but I believe that this what we must do at this present time and it is still in the best interest for our son.

We will be at the hospital for a few hours tomorrow afternoon, but God has provided us with a sitter for the girls, which is a huge blessing!

We will be meeting with his urologist next Friday to discuss the results, however, I may be able to know how things are looking for his left kidney as soon as the test is performed tomorrow as I will be sitting in with Ian and I know what to look for and I have access to the screen. So, I will update you all soon. My update may not be until Saturday, however, as we have Homegroup tomorrow evening and I may not be able to get a chance to type an update, but I will make an update as soon as possible.

Thank you!


  1. Becca, Thank you for your message on our blog. I will be praying for your family as well.
