As I learned a few weeks ago--some things are not always what they seem. Yep, there could be so much more involved than what is originally believed. There is a greater God who is moving pieces of life around. Sometimes we are not privy to see them while other times we get to see what pieces He chooses to move and why as I did recently.
I had a small list of things to get from a local area craft supply store. I kissed all of my kiddos, grabbed the keys, and jumped into the car, and headed out with out thinking much else about it. Our neighborhood has two entrances, with one of those entrances having a traffic light. I stopped at the red light and waited for the light to change. As the light changed to green, I surveyed the intersection and was about to travel further into the intersection when I was forced to stop as the on coming driver from across the way did not have an indicator on to signal which way through the intersection she was planning to go.
To avoid an accident, I had to wait for her to make up her mind; however, she was rather slow and distracted by her cell phone, which irritated me. As I grew frustrated, I watched for her next move. As she finally turned on her indicator, I rolled forward, but then I watched her abruptly stop. Therefore, I came to a quick stop too thanks to her actions. To my right, I noticed a vehicle coming quick. The young lady of that vehicle flew through the intersection with out so much as applying her brakes. She did not just blow the red light, but obliterated it, as it had been green for a time. I do not believe that driver had a clue what she did. I honestly, think her mind was somewhere else entirely besides driving.
A few things to mention here. First, the other driver, as annoying as her actions were, probably helped us live because we both, especially me, would have been creamed bad! We would have been in the intersection when the other car would have blown through it. The accident would have most definitely injured us, especially as I would have been broadsided by another vehicle moving at a high rate of speed. Secondly, don't live by the belief that you can do anything you want such as talking on a cell phone while driving, because it can be like playing Russian roulette and dangerous with out always having a positive outcome as it did here; however, God can and does use anything. Thirdly, the young girl who blew the light, didn't have a clue to how close to death she was as God protected her as well from a tragic outcome.
Therefore, with that said, don't take things for granted. Even something that may appear annoying and slows you up may be for your benefit and for your own good, or for that of somebody else. You never know how God may be steering your life as well as someone else's, so we need to give thanks to God in all things--the seen and unseen. I just can't drive that point home enough right now.

This is merely a place of self-reflection for me. After recent events in my life, I have learned that although some doors of life open that we may prefer stay closed nice and tight while others close that we prefer stay wide open, God is there every step of the way and He can use anything for His glory and blessing!
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Angel Babies
So when I started out writing this post, it had an entirely different feeling and an entirely different approach; however, as I was starting to quote statistics, details, and more, my approach changed. It would have left one feeling angry and/or hopeless. My heart softened a little if you can believe that especially in regards to the subject matter. In many ways you have Big Mac and his exhausted tears to thank as I had to remove myself from the computer to attend to him this morning, which gave me the time to rethink my approach and feelings.
I have found myself becoming very passionate about the wrongs of abortion, and how absolutely horrible it is, and how heartbreaking it is truly is for me and for this nation. Although I disagree with abortion whole-heartedly; and my heart absolutely breaks for the babies who have been senselessly killed; and as I disagree with our President and many leaders as well as many aspects of Planned Parenting as I have learned more about that organization and their funding, I have to let go some of the ache and emotion too.
The methods to kill these babies are horrific, I have researched them. They die like animals. Actually, veterinarians allow cats and dogs to die a more humane death than all of these babies have and will endure; however, I will not list the methods on this blog to prove that point, because that is not the purpose of this blog.
The fact is this, although approximately 1.1 million babies will be aborted in the U.S. this year alone and out of that number some will survive the abortion only to be left to die a painful death alone, it is not my sin to bare. Although I plan on getting more involved a few years down the road when my kids have grown just a bit more, and especially in one specific area and how it can pertain to adoption, in many respects I was not made to carry this burden. I was not made to carry the sins of so many others. This is far too big and great for me. I need to allow God to hold them accountable for their own sins and their own part. Just the weight of my own sins alone is just too much for me to bear, much less carrying that of others and trying to be their judge. Only God can redeem and make right. And He can and WILL make it right. He can and WILL make right...
God Bless all those precious Angel Babies.
I have found myself becoming very passionate about the wrongs of abortion, and how absolutely horrible it is, and how heartbreaking it is truly is for me and for this nation. Although I disagree with abortion whole-heartedly; and my heart absolutely breaks for the babies who have been senselessly killed; and as I disagree with our President and many leaders as well as many aspects of Planned Parenting as I have learned more about that organization and their funding, I have to let go some of the ache and emotion too.
The methods to kill these babies are horrific, I have researched them. They die like animals. Actually, veterinarians allow cats and dogs to die a more humane death than all of these babies have and will endure; however, I will not list the methods on this blog to prove that point, because that is not the purpose of this blog.
The fact is this, although approximately 1.1 million babies will be aborted in the U.S. this year alone and out of that number some will survive the abortion only to be left to die a painful death alone, it is not my sin to bare. Although I plan on getting more involved a few years down the road when my kids have grown just a bit more, and especially in one specific area and how it can pertain to adoption, in many respects I was not made to carry this burden. I was not made to carry the sins of so many others. This is far too big and great for me. I need to allow God to hold them accountable for their own sins and their own part. Just the weight of my own sins alone is just too much for me to bear, much less carrying that of others and trying to be their judge. Only God can redeem and make right. And He can and WILL make it right. He can and WILL make right...
God Bless all those precious Angel Babies.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Have A Blessed Day!
So as my life has been in what feels like one big shadow lately, I decided a few weeks ago as I had been reminded to return to a grateful and thankful heart, that I needed to not only find the glimpses of the sunlight for me and my family, but for others as well. One of the ways I decided to do this was to post differently on FB for a bit, and to put up inspiring pictures when possible; however, I decided that I would also make other attempts beyond my social media world and direct social groups. I wanted to bless strangers as well.
So what I started doing was to end my interactions with people in everyday life such as over the phone, the check out counter, the sales rep, with "have a blessed day." I have started to say this to a wide variety of people; and to see them pause, and their face light up has lifted me up! Not every time that I say it, does it get a nice noticeable response, but a majority of the time it does!
I have had people looking low and down, and just appearing to be going through the motions, stop, look up at me, and smile as if they needed to know that someone out there cared. And then it looks like joy returned to there life at that moment. So many people we interact with are people like you and me. They may be at the cash rep or behind a desk somewhere with so many things on their mind. They are sinners facing troubles like the rest of us. You never know who may be walking in the parking lot fight tears back and struggling with pain--physical or emotional pain and trouble. May be your friendly remark is what at least one person needs to hear that day!
Many people we casually pass during our day needs something--a reminder that they are not alone--and may be you are that reminder to let them know that life is not as dark as it seems! I challenge you to start using your words thoughtfully. Choose to give people the glimpse of the sun on what might otherwise be a dark day for them. And just because someone is already smiling doesn't mean that person isn't hurting either!
So what I started doing was to end my interactions with people in everyday life such as over the phone, the check out counter, the sales rep, with "have a blessed day." I have started to say this to a wide variety of people; and to see them pause, and their face light up has lifted me up! Not every time that I say it, does it get a nice noticeable response, but a majority of the time it does!
I have had people looking low and down, and just appearing to be going through the motions, stop, look up at me, and smile as if they needed to know that someone out there cared. And then it looks like joy returned to there life at that moment. So many people we interact with are people like you and me. They may be at the cash rep or behind a desk somewhere with so many things on their mind. They are sinners facing troubles like the rest of us. You never know who may be walking in the parking lot fight tears back and struggling with pain--physical or emotional pain and trouble. May be your friendly remark is what at least one person needs to hear that day!
Many people we casually pass during our day needs something--a reminder that they are not alone--and may be you are that reminder to let them know that life is not as dark as it seems! I challenge you to start using your words thoughtfully. Choose to give people the glimpse of the sun on what might otherwise be a dark day for them. And just because someone is already smiling doesn't mean that person isn't hurting either!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
At The Top Of The Hill
Life just hasn't been easy lately. I have been blessed by so much, but choices and circumstances have left me down trodden while trying to cope. On a side note, I did see my OBGYN this week, who after discussing things with me and such, doesn't believe that I am suffering from postpartum depression. On the contrary, with all things considering, and with the circumstances that I have found myself in lately while being a mom of four with one of those being an infant, I am handling things fairly well. Life just has sort of been that crappie lately, and she believes that I have just been reacting to those events.
So with that said, and as I have mentioned in previous posts, I have had to find the positives in each day and to be thankful in all things. In the dark times, I have realized that although I feel like I am in a pit waiting for the strength and help to climb out so to speak, God hasn't forgotten me nor my family; and He has provided glimpses of that throughout the last several weeks/months.
For instance, a few weeks ago, Scot had Lasik surgery performed about an hour away from here in pretty C'ville. For various reasons, I was so excited and blessed that Scot let the boys and I drive him up there and back one weekday morning. This brightened my day that I was able to help him out in this way as his wife. The night before, we checked the weather and located some parks with in just a mile or so from the center for which Scot was going to have the procedures performed. We had a game plan with the nice weather that had been predicted. I grabbed cars and trucks for Little Man as well as some crayons and a coloring book, snacks, and more to enjoy time at the park with the boys while Scot had the procedure done.
It felt like a well thought out plan! The next morning we dropped the girls off at school and headed up the road. As we got closer and closer to our destination, however, the clouds grew all the more thicker and thicker. As we arrived in C'ville, rain began to fall from the dark, grey clouds. This was a bit of a bummer, but I was determined to do this with out complaint and make it all work out!
The boys and I dropped off Scot and proceeded to try to find a fast food restaurant that had a play set. To my dismay, however, out of the three to four fast food chains in this one general area, not one of them included a play set. My heart sank as the rain showers continued; but I decided that if I could find a shelter/pavilion at one of the parks, we could make that work regardless. After all, I did bring coloring items.
I quickly found one of the local parks. It had two picnic shelters and one included restrooms, which was a totally awesome find as I was in desperate need of some! In the rain, I gathered the boys and we first rushed into the restrooms. Finally, I thought I could catch my breath and enjoy the time with the boys, and I was happy that my third option had worked. As we finished up inside the restrooms, however, I became more and more aware of some park maintenance workers who had also decided to seek shelter from the rain. This rather displeased me some, but I still thought that we could make it work.
As the rain subsided, I sent Little Man onto the playground after secluding him inside of the van for a short time as I fed and nursed Big Mac with the men just only a few short yards from us. They were very much aware of me as I them. Little Man started to play on the playground when it began to rain again, so as the men were taking up shelter in the pavilion that I had deemed for us, but now had decided it was unfit for us, I did what any other mom trying to save what plans and expectations that she had for the day would do. I handed Little Man an umbrella and told him to enjoy, for which one elderly man proceeded to tell me that he found that to be silly on a wet playground and a wet slide. Let's just say my response to him was not that of the patient virtue kind, but one of annoyance of how others seem to take it upon themselves to judge others and making that judgment be known!
As we were there, I realized that another whole group of men had arrived to do something at the baseball field there. Let's just say I was one mom with two of her children at a park all by her lonesome with about 10+ men. I began to feel very uncomfortable with the situation and very discouraged about how all my attempts to make this a blessed time was appearing to be failing. I felt like Satin was most definitely trying to take my joy away. I began to pray right there to myself on the playground. I asked God to protect us and I asked Him if I should retreat for our safety. I even told Him that I was discouraged.
Right after I had prayed, and as I was about to give-up and call it quits, do you know what appeared up and over the hill from where we were? A police officer in his cruiser! And he remained at the top of the hill until all the men had dispersed and continued on their way, and just as I got the call that Scot was done with his Lasik surgery! What a blessing and an answer to prayer! God showed me that He was watching everything, and that He was in control. He wanted me to see His goodness in that way that day. And my eyes were at a point of seeing it and taking note. Perfect timing! Little did that officer know that he was used as a tool more ways than just one that day. God kept me and the boys safe as He showed us one of His many blessings!
Keep your eyes open to see God's goodness!
God is good y'all!!!!!!
So with that said, and as I have mentioned in previous posts, I have had to find the positives in each day and to be thankful in all things. In the dark times, I have realized that although I feel like I am in a pit waiting for the strength and help to climb out so to speak, God hasn't forgotten me nor my family; and He has provided glimpses of that throughout the last several weeks/months.
For instance, a few weeks ago, Scot had Lasik surgery performed about an hour away from here in pretty C'ville. For various reasons, I was so excited and blessed that Scot let the boys and I drive him up there and back one weekday morning. This brightened my day that I was able to help him out in this way as his wife. The night before, we checked the weather and located some parks with in just a mile or so from the center for which Scot was going to have the procedures performed. We had a game plan with the nice weather that had been predicted. I grabbed cars and trucks for Little Man as well as some crayons and a coloring book, snacks, and more to enjoy time at the park with the boys while Scot had the procedure done.
It felt like a well thought out plan! The next morning we dropped the girls off at school and headed up the road. As we got closer and closer to our destination, however, the clouds grew all the more thicker and thicker. As we arrived in C'ville, rain began to fall from the dark, grey clouds. This was a bit of a bummer, but I was determined to do this with out complaint and make it all work out!
The boys and I dropped off Scot and proceeded to try to find a fast food restaurant that had a play set. To my dismay, however, out of the three to four fast food chains in this one general area, not one of them included a play set. My heart sank as the rain showers continued; but I decided that if I could find a shelter/pavilion at one of the parks, we could make that work regardless. After all, I did bring coloring items.
I quickly found one of the local parks. It had two picnic shelters and one included restrooms, which was a totally awesome find as I was in desperate need of some! In the rain, I gathered the boys and we first rushed into the restrooms. Finally, I thought I could catch my breath and enjoy the time with the boys, and I was happy that my third option had worked. As we finished up inside the restrooms, however, I became more and more aware of some park maintenance workers who had also decided to seek shelter from the rain. This rather displeased me some, but I still thought that we could make it work.
As the rain subsided, I sent Little Man onto the playground after secluding him inside of the van for a short time as I fed and nursed Big Mac with the men just only a few short yards from us. They were very much aware of me as I them. Little Man started to play on the playground when it began to rain again, so as the men were taking up shelter in the pavilion that I had deemed for us, but now had decided it was unfit for us, I did what any other mom trying to save what plans and expectations that she had for the day would do. I handed Little Man an umbrella and told him to enjoy, for which one elderly man proceeded to tell me that he found that to be silly on a wet playground and a wet slide. Let's just say my response to him was not that of the patient virtue kind, but one of annoyance of how others seem to take it upon themselves to judge others and making that judgment be known!
As we were there, I realized that another whole group of men had arrived to do something at the baseball field there. Let's just say I was one mom with two of her children at a park all by her lonesome with about 10+ men. I began to feel very uncomfortable with the situation and very discouraged about how all my attempts to make this a blessed time was appearing to be failing. I felt like Satin was most definitely trying to take my joy away. I began to pray right there to myself on the playground. I asked God to protect us and I asked Him if I should retreat for our safety. I even told Him that I was discouraged.
Right after I had prayed, and as I was about to give-up and call it quits, do you know what appeared up and over the hill from where we were? A police officer in his cruiser! And he remained at the top of the hill until all the men had dispersed and continued on their way, and just as I got the call that Scot was done with his Lasik surgery! What a blessing and an answer to prayer! God showed me that He was watching everything, and that He was in control. He wanted me to see His goodness in that way that day. And my eyes were at a point of seeing it and taking note. Perfect timing! Little did that officer know that he was used as a tool more ways than just one that day. God kept me and the boys safe as He showed us one of His many blessings!
Keep your eyes open to see God's goodness!
God is good y'all!!!!!!
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