So Little Man has not seen any specialist since his gastro-interologist let him loose several months ago, which has been a huge blessing in deed. However, after observing Little Man's thumb sucking thumb getting stuck in an almost locked bent position a few times, that trend ended. After witnessing his thumb get stuck and Little Man running to us to help him free it from its locked position a few times that often included a small popping/snapping sound (as well as he snapping it back into place himself once), we decided to discuss it with his pediatrician who recommended that we take him to a pediatric orthopedist. And so we did.
Little Man was seen this week and right away the orthopedist agreed with our pediatrician that he has trigger finger/thumb when he felt the knot and after an x-ray was performed. Trigger finger and thumb is a problem that is associated with inflamed tendons, which are located within the protective covering known as the tendon sheath. Thankfully, the doctor believes that Little Man's trigger thumb is a minor case at this point and nothing else further will be done. We are to keep an eye on it, and if at some point, it remains in a locked position, or starts causing him pain, we will look at options.
At this point, however, we are happy to pursue nothing further, because even at age two and a half, he still loves to suck that thumb and we did not enjoy ascertaining the thought of dealing with any fits or extreme loss on his part at this age because he has been forced to be unable to suck his thumb. We do realize although that at some point soon he will need to stop, and that surgery, or a brace, could have aided that for us...but well...for now he is still able to suck his thumb!

This is merely a place of self-reflection for me. After recent events in my life, I have learned that although some doors of life open that we may prefer stay closed nice and tight while others close that we prefer stay wide open, God is there every step of the way and He can use anything for His glory and blessing!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Sunday, January 13, 2013
A few weeks ago, I celebrated another birthday. Like many birthdays, there was a cake and some candles. In my case, my husband and my crew provided me with an ice cream cake complete with some candles. We gathered around our table as the kids were excited to see me blow out the candles and started singing to me the usual chorus with some of their own twists from which I am still puzzled as to where their newer renditions have come from like "Cha! Cha! Cha!" Anyways, as their singing concluded it was time to blow the candles out for which the kids shouted, "Make a wish Mommy!"
Like years past, my wish was more of a quick resounding prayer that I would pray to myself than an actual wish. As I closed my eyes after looking around the dining room, the usual wishful prayer changed. It was different from years past. It became one of thankfulness and gratitude instead of want and desire. When I had looked around the room, I truly realized how blessed I was because for the very first time in a very long time, I felt that my family was complete. I felt like finally all the missing little pieces were together. I no longer had anyone missing from my table like I had felt for so long. There were no more empty seats at the table. I felt content and tears welled up in my eyes. I quietly thanked God for my four little blessings and for Scot, and I blew out my birthday candles.
In a post a long time ago, I had alluded to the fact that Scot and I had been thinking about adopting a fifth child. As of right now, that is off our table. I feel like God has told me at this time, the birth of Big Boy has completed our family--our family of six. While I am blessed to no end for every single one of my children and I love them all, I do believe at this time, God has whispered to me that this is the number of children we are to have right now and not to actively seek anymore. While I love my children deeply and have plenty of love to spread around to them all, I do feel that physically there just isn't enough of me to go around some times, especially when more than one child so often seems to need me at the same time any given time.
Sure, when the dust settles, and my newborn isn't a newborn anymore, and after we all have adjusted, some of you may think that my feelings will change. And perhaps it will. However, for now, I do not believe that will be the case. Scot and I have considered many things about adoption and don't believe it is the best for us, or the adoptee for that matter, at this time, and will not be pursuing it any further. While we believe in orphan care and I desire to some day do something in regards to it, we have been careful to consider the affects of adoption upon us, our marriage and family as a whole. Also, for lack of better words, we want to ensure that we are not jumping on the band wagon, or trying to join a fraternity or brotherhood so to speak. (And by no means am I trying to offend anyone and speak ill about the work that is going on and growing in my church and other churches around the area. Please understand that... Hopefully, you will know what I am trying to say.) We need to feel absolutely led by God. If it is to happen, He will lay down the road before us.
As of now, we are to be a family of six.
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