I am a control freak. I like to plan plan plan. In fact, I exhaustively try to plan for the unexpected--an endless endeavor to take on to say the least especially when this world is full of the unexpected.
When God says leap, I generally only leap if I can see where I am leaping to; where I am leaping from; and sometimes what am I leaping over. Otherwise I am like a little child who has climbed up the ladder, walked across the long board and stands at the edge of the diving board afraid to take the leap into a free fall into the unknowns of the depths of the "deep end" of the swimming pool.
Over the last few years, God has revealed to me what path He would like me to take in a specific area in my life. And seeing how God has molded my life around this desire for me, I have planned to follow and obey; however, I have been so busy trying to figure out every detail about this decision, rather then trusting that God has taken care of the details for me and for my family. I feel like the path He is leading me down is dark with no light to lead the way. Instead of trusting in God to lead me as I go and that He will provide "a lamp unto my feet" I am too busy crawling on my hands and knees in the dirt and grime trying to find any rock or hole that may trip me up. God wants me to stand up straight and tall and grab His hand and trust that He will lead me safe and sound through the unknowns of life, because all of the what-ifs simply cannot be laid out before me. Part of this adventure will be learning to TRUST in God.
With in the last few weeks God has clearly shown me what I am to do and to never mind what other people say or the unknowns of the future. He has convicted me, revealed Bible verses to me and prompted me with questions by others. While one primary fear has kept me from fully trusting in God to proceed down the path for which He has opened the gateway to, He provided me with a verse to claim in regards to it: Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. Psalm 16:5
So here I am. I am about to take a leap of faith. A leap into the darkness--not knowing where God will catch me or where I will land. Taking a deep breath; about to free fall into the trusting arms of God. My free fall may last for a few years as I am not sure how things will turn out for years to come but I am going to shed my doubts and trust. Release. Freeing.
Cheering you on! Fly! Praise God!