My Summer Survival Guide For 2013:
1.) K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Stupid) -- I learned this acronym in college; and I realized how important and so true it is just this past summer! You don't have to make "mommyhood" complicated. Keep it simple! Like simple packed lunches for example!
2.) Nobody is handing out prizes to the moms who go ALL OUT with things and efforts for their kiddos! PLEASE DON'T RAISE YOUR BAR SO HIGH!
3.) It is A-OKAY to sway from nap schedules periodically!
4.) When your house feels small, and the four walls feel like they are closing in all around you, take your kiddos to the pool, park, etc. while also enforcing nap and rest schedules even when your older kiddos insist that they do not need such moments. You insist that they do, so that everyone can enjoy some peace and quiet, especially the mama! If you still feel as though you need an escape, but your husband is still at work, go ahead and take a slow walk to the mail box and sit on your front stoop for a bit, even if some of those times you hava your cute adorable infant on your hip!
5.) Take a moment to take a deep breath!
6.) Sometimes its okay to walk away from a fight; however, every once in a while it is okay to defend yourself and your honor from an unfounded accusation! HOWEVER, when possible, make light of the situation! (Like purchase a t-shirt that makes you laugh about it too! And really... truly... this comes from a place of humor and silliness y'all!)
7.) And when you feel that you are about to blow your top in regards to certain situations and/or the behavior of certain individuals (even as cute as they may be), go ahead and start singing "I'm A Little Teapot" to try to defuse the situation! Your kiddos will love you for it especially when you throw in the hand motions too!
8.) Don't feel guilty about how many mommy breaks (aka bubble bath times) you take. In the end, the kids will thank you for them, and may be your husband too!
9.) Watch as little news as possible!
10.) Whenever possible, say "thank you" even if it is over and over and over again! ;-)
11.) The beach is fun! However, breastfeeding your one adorable, but very sandy baby, while on the beach, not so enjoyable. Take my word for it! Felt like two hot and sweaty pieces of sandpaper!
12.) There are jellyfish out there that do not sting.
13.) Don't eat buttery, greasy seafood! (Got me again!) But an occasional night cap at the beach is totally awesome!
14.) And really, truly... with all silliness aside have a thankful heart...

This is merely a place of self-reflection for me. After recent events in my life, I have learned that although some doors of life open that we may prefer stay closed nice and tight while others close that we prefer stay wide open, God is there every step of the way and He can use anything for His glory and blessing!
Friday, August 30, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
Each Step (Beautiful Walk)
When Scot decided to take our older three children to the movies yesterday, I decided to take Big Mac on a walk at a local park just near our house. It was a beautiful afternoon; in fact, it was simply gorgeous. Big Mac had been sick for several days; and I wanted to grab the opportunity to get out of the house, get some fresh air, and to spend some much needed alone time with him.
I really wanted to jump at the opportunity to spend alone time with him after he gave us quite a scare last week. He had suffered a Febrile seizure. (A seizure brought on by rapid temperature change, such as a fever as in Big Mac's case.) Now I know that it can happen y'all, but when you see your own baby/child suffering from one it is a whole other story! Watching him not being able to breath while convulsing with his eyes fixed and glazed, as his mouth was also fixed slightly open, was totally scary! His skin color also changed to an awful grey color while his lips turned bluish purple before it was all said and done. I can't even begin to describe the sound he was making during it. And after the seizure was all said and done, there was another awful grunting, growling noise that came from him while he laid virtually limp and lifeless for about 15 minutes, with his eyes still fixed open. Horrible it was, but thankful he is okay. He went by ambulance to be checked out and observed for a bit as well as to continue to ensure that his high fever, which had gotten up to 105 degrees, came back down.
With that all said, I just wanted to bond with him--just the two of us on a beautiful walk.
As we did, he was having such a pleasant time in his stroller. He just cooed and made such sweet baby sounds as he observed our surroundings. The sun glistened through the trees, birds were chirping and children were playing and so much more. People made comments about how happy Big Mac was just sitting in his stroller. He surely was happy! Little did people know how sick he was just a few days prior. So as I walked, I just thanked the Lord that Big Mac was healthy and strong.
As we walked, we saw a variety of people; from many walks of life. With each step I took, I became more and more aware of the people around us. We came up on this one area--peaceful and tranquil. It was a dock that looked over a little pond. I wanted to show Big Mac the turtles so I lifted him up out of his stroller. I started to get a better look at the two individuals sitting just near us on two separate benches. One was a grey haired lady looking sad and lonely. I could tell that she had been in deep thought as I could see that she had what appeared to be a journal in her hands. She looked up at us blankly almost with some sadness in her eyes. To the left of her was a young man who looked warn and haggard for his age. His facial hair was long and he had a cigarette to his lips. He had two books with him as well. I made our visit with the turtles brief as I wanted to respect the time of reflection for both individuals.
As we left, I took another glance at the young man who looked like he had lived life well beyond his young years. He looked low and stressed. As we moved passed, I noticed part of the title of the book on his lap. It read "Learning to Let Go." Right then my heart went out to him. Back in the day, I would have just been annoyed with his second hand smoke, and wondered if he was a bum; however, something has changed with in me. I began to pray for him and the older lady who sat just near by. I prayed for their hearts and their sadness. I knew that God knew their full story. With each step I took, I prayed. I prayed for the sick and the broken hearted. Prayed for the grieving. I prayed.
You see over the last several months, I have realized that we all have our own stories to tell. We have our own trials and heartaches. We are who we are today because of where we have been. Just because my heart doesn't necessarily break one day, doesn't mean that someone else's is not. Perhaps I have become more empathetic. Over the last couple of years, especially with in the last six months, I have been made aware of so many people in need of prayer and compassion. I have also been made aware that everyone grieves and feels differently, and thus, reacts to life triggers differently, which is okay. They are entitled to do so... Take a step out of your shoes for a moment and pray for others. Even those you don't know.
I think that is the beauty of our Christian faith--prayer and compassion, for the needy, the sick, and brokenhearted even to the ones we don't know.
I really wanted to jump at the opportunity to spend alone time with him after he gave us quite a scare last week. He had suffered a Febrile seizure. (A seizure brought on by rapid temperature change, such as a fever as in Big Mac's case.) Now I know that it can happen y'all, but when you see your own baby/child suffering from one it is a whole other story! Watching him not being able to breath while convulsing with his eyes fixed and glazed, as his mouth was also fixed slightly open, was totally scary! His skin color also changed to an awful grey color while his lips turned bluish purple before it was all said and done. I can't even begin to describe the sound he was making during it. And after the seizure was all said and done, there was another awful grunting, growling noise that came from him while he laid virtually limp and lifeless for about 15 minutes, with his eyes still fixed open. Horrible it was, but thankful he is okay. He went by ambulance to be checked out and observed for a bit as well as to continue to ensure that his high fever, which had gotten up to 105 degrees, came back down.
With that all said, I just wanted to bond with him--just the two of us on a beautiful walk.
As we did, he was having such a pleasant time in his stroller. He just cooed and made such sweet baby sounds as he observed our surroundings. The sun glistened through the trees, birds were chirping and children were playing and so much more. People made comments about how happy Big Mac was just sitting in his stroller. He surely was happy! Little did people know how sick he was just a few days prior. So as I walked, I just thanked the Lord that Big Mac was healthy and strong.
As we walked, we saw a variety of people; from many walks of life. With each step I took, I became more and more aware of the people around us. We came up on this one area--peaceful and tranquil. It was a dock that looked over a little pond. I wanted to show Big Mac the turtles so I lifted him up out of his stroller. I started to get a better look at the two individuals sitting just near us on two separate benches. One was a grey haired lady looking sad and lonely. I could tell that she had been in deep thought as I could see that she had what appeared to be a journal in her hands. She looked up at us blankly almost with some sadness in her eyes. To the left of her was a young man who looked warn and haggard for his age. His facial hair was long and he had a cigarette to his lips. He had two books with him as well. I made our visit with the turtles brief as I wanted to respect the time of reflection for both individuals.
As we left, I took another glance at the young man who looked like he had lived life well beyond his young years. He looked low and stressed. As we moved passed, I noticed part of the title of the book on his lap. It read "Learning to Let Go." Right then my heart went out to him. Back in the day, I would have just been annoyed with his second hand smoke, and wondered if he was a bum; however, something has changed with in me. I began to pray for him and the older lady who sat just near by. I prayed for their hearts and their sadness. I knew that God knew their full story. With each step I took, I prayed. I prayed for the sick and the broken hearted. Prayed for the grieving. I prayed.
You see over the last several months, I have realized that we all have our own stories to tell. We have our own trials and heartaches. We are who we are today because of where we have been. Just because my heart doesn't necessarily break one day, doesn't mean that someone else's is not. Perhaps I have become more empathetic. Over the last couple of years, especially with in the last six months, I have been made aware of so many people in need of prayer and compassion. I have also been made aware that everyone grieves and feels differently, and thus, reacts to life triggers differently, which is okay. They are entitled to do so... Take a step out of your shoes for a moment and pray for others. Even those you don't know.
I think that is the beauty of our Christian faith--prayer and compassion, for the needy, the sick, and brokenhearted even to the ones we don't know.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Update (It Has Been A Long Time!)
Wow! It has been a long time since I have written an update, which is a blessing! However, I thought I would let you know what is going on in our lives currently, especially pertaining to that of Little Man.
It looks like we are going to be getting Little Man's speech evaluated. Scot and I had been wondering if Little Man's speech has been where it should be for his age. After discussing some things over with our pediatrician, discussing it amongst ourselves, and after speaking with Scot's mom this past week, who has spent many years in education, and who also had an afternoon enjoying our children's company and observing Little Man's speech, we have decided to get Little Man's speech evaluated.
At the beginning of summer, our pediatrician and I had discussed it. Knowing that Little Man had learned to swallow food incorrectly as an infant, and that Little Man has had problems in the past using his tongue laterally, we thought it may be best to get his speech checked out. However, with in two weeks of that conversation, his speech improved some, so I put a halt on it, because I thought that he may just need more time.
Well, after I asked Scot's mom for her opinion last week, because I value her opinion since she has spent years working with children, I have realized that we should go for the speech evaluation. She commented that while knowing that he has had problems using his tongue incorrectly in the past, it wouldn't hurt to get him evaluated now. Then I thought about how it would be easier to fix speech problems earlier on in life rather than later. She also made the point that it wouldn't hurt to check him out especially if it is free through our county. She agreed that his speech is a little off, but she also said some kids go through a short time of poorer speech, but many grow out of it. With Little Man though, knowing there has been problems, just simply placing him in preschool may or may not do the trick.
So we are off on another adventure. I will let you know how it turns out, and what, and if, anything is determined. I will be calling to schedule the evaluation this week. Little Man will be going to a two-day preschool program this Fall for which he is very excited about!
The girls are doing great and are getting ready to return to school. Sky Baby will be doing soccer again this year, and Crazy Paizy was just registered today for a new dance class for this upcoming school year! She will be doing tap/jazz! Big Mac is doing great! He is a mover and a shaker; and is absolutely enjoying experiencing new things and skills! I am looking forward to spending some alone time with him this school year!
It looks like we are going to be getting Little Man's speech evaluated. Scot and I had been wondering if Little Man's speech has been where it should be for his age. After discussing some things over with our pediatrician, discussing it amongst ourselves, and after speaking with Scot's mom this past week, who has spent many years in education, and who also had an afternoon enjoying our children's company and observing Little Man's speech, we have decided to get Little Man's speech evaluated.
At the beginning of summer, our pediatrician and I had discussed it. Knowing that Little Man had learned to swallow food incorrectly as an infant, and that Little Man has had problems in the past using his tongue laterally, we thought it may be best to get his speech checked out. However, with in two weeks of that conversation, his speech improved some, so I put a halt on it, because I thought that he may just need more time.
Well, after I asked Scot's mom for her opinion last week, because I value her opinion since she has spent years working with children, I have realized that we should go for the speech evaluation. She commented that while knowing that he has had problems using his tongue incorrectly in the past, it wouldn't hurt to get him evaluated now. Then I thought about how it would be easier to fix speech problems earlier on in life rather than later. She also made the point that it wouldn't hurt to check him out especially if it is free through our county. She agreed that his speech is a little off, but she also said some kids go through a short time of poorer speech, but many grow out of it. With Little Man though, knowing there has been problems, just simply placing him in preschool may or may not do the trick.
So we are off on another adventure. I will let you know how it turns out, and what, and if, anything is determined. I will be calling to schedule the evaluation this week. Little Man will be going to a two-day preschool program this Fall for which he is very excited about!
The girls are doing great and are getting ready to return to school. Sky Baby will be doing soccer again this year, and Crazy Paizy was just registered today for a new dance class for this upcoming school year! She will be doing tap/jazz! Big Mac is doing great! He is a mover and a shaker; and is absolutely enjoying experiencing new things and skills! I am looking forward to spending some alone time with him this school year!
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